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09-08-2014 üzerinden en yüksek itibara sahip içeriği gösteriliyor Her alanda

  1. sonunda d600 umu d610 ile degistirdi NIKON tesekkurler. 2013 agustos ayinda aldigim D600 ocak 2014 de leke problemleri gordum ve NIKON un yaptigi aciklamaya istinaden BULGARISTAN NIKON servisine gonderdim , shutterini D610 shutteri ile degidtirerek geri yolladilar. aradan 2 ay gecti tekrar toz gordum tekrar yolladim, temizlediler ve 2500 test cekimi yapip geri yolladilar makinada bir sorun olmadigini lenslerden dolayi toz girmis olabilecegini belirtiler, lens degistirmedigimi mumkun olamiyacagini soyledim, aldigim cevap lens in zoom yaparken vakum yapip toz alabilecegi oldu, bununda mumkun olamiyacagini NIKKOR 70-200 f/4 lens kullandigimi zoom unkapali ortamda oldugunu ayrica kameranin ve lensin toz ve siviya dayanikli oldugunu belirttim, cevam vermediler. tekrar 2 aygecti ama ben kamera nin servis gormesi nedeni ile sogudum ve satmaya karar verdim 1500 ueroya aldigim kamerayi 1000 euroya bir sitede satisa cikardim ustelik 5500 shutter in ancak 2000 i benim cektigimdi digeri test icindi. birkac musteri cikti , benden test fotagrafi istediler tekrar bir test fotografi cektim tekrar toz tanelerini gordum, bu sekilde satamiyacagim icin tekrar servise bildirdim , yollayin dediler , ve servise gitti, kameranin degismesini talep ettim, bir hafta sonra kamerami temizleyi geri yolladilar degisim kabul edilmedi test yapildigi makinada bir sorun olmadigi soylendi, bir kontrol yaptim 2500 test cekimi yapilmisti yine nerdeyse hic kullanmadigim makina 8000 shutteri gecmisti. iste bu noktada sinirlerim tavan yapti. once NIKON head office bulmaya calistim yok tabiiki iletisim bilgisi arkasindan en mantikli INGILTER NIKON aklima geldi ve sitesine girdim , burdan farkli olarak canli online konusma vardi, karsima cikan kisiye durumu anlattim , ve sorunu ancak Bulgaristan NIKON ile halledebilecegimi soylediler israr edip lekeli fotografi yollayinca adam evet bir sorun var dedi, HEAD OFFICE baglantisi isteyince veremiyecgini mumkun olmadigini soyledi ve bana NIKON HOLLANDA nin mektup adresini verdi . Sansimi denemek icin HOLLANDA NIKON sayfasina girdim fakat sayfa flamenkce birsey anlamam mumkun degil tek anladigim online chat oldu bastim ona ve karsima cikana ingilizce biliyormusunuz dedim , evet diyince durumu tekrar anlattim Bulgaristan NIKON u slkayet ettim, adam cok ilgilendi chat a girerken yazdigim mail adresime konusma metnimizin kopyasinin gelecegini gelen adrese fotograflari ve servis belgelerinin numaralarini yollamami istedi, bende yolladim, ve mucize gerceklesti degisik 3 ayri yoneticiden mail geldi sorunum ile ilgilendiklerini ve yakinda mail ile bilgi verceklerini soylediler, Hemen ertesi gun Bulgaristan NIKON dan bir mail geldi ve test icin makinayi kutusu ve tum parcalari ile servise istediler, herseyiyolladim ve 4 gun sonra bugun kargo ile ambalajinda yeni bir D610 aldim. NIKON HOLLANDA gercekten benim ile cok ilgilendi, ustelik hollandada yasamiyorum, makinayi Hollanda`dan almamisim buna ragmen ust yoneticileri ile devreye girdiler. demekki ciddi calisan birimler var. TESEKKURLER HOLLANDA NIKON . HARTELIJK DANK NIKON HOLLAND.
    2 puan
  2. Another full frame Nikon DSLR camera coming for Phiotokina The latest rumors I am receiving point to another full frame camera announcement for Photokina. We are talking about a new DSLR positioned somewhere between the D610 and the D810 models. Here are the expected specifications: 24MP full frame sensor Tilting LCD screen Wi-Fi support Expeed 4 imaging processor Very light body (probably similar to the D610 and Df, maybe even lighter) Priced around $2,500 Potential announcement at the end of August or early September No idea on the model name - it could be D620, D750 or something completely different The probability rating on this rumor is currently at 70% - I am pretty confident that this camera is coming, I am just not sure about the detailed specifications (if you have any more details, you can contact me anonymously here) I have hard time understanding what Nikon is trying to achieve with this model - the Nikon Df is already positioned between the D610 and D810. My only explanation is the D3300/D5300 configuration, but with a full frame sensor: D610 with a fixed LCD screen and the new camera with few more features and a tilting LCD screen. Many Nikon fans have been waiting for a "real" D700 replacement since 2008. Even after the D800, D810, D600, D610 and Df cameras were announced, they were not considered by many as a true D700 replacement (I personally think that Nikon has provided enough upgrade options for D700 owners). Maybe this new Nikon DSLR will finally be the "real" D700 replacement? How about a new Nikon DX DSLR camera? So far it doesn't look like we will be getting one soon, but there is still hope: Nikon D9300 Since the last (and only) D9300 rumor I received back in April, I have not heard anything else on this model (the information I received was from a very good source). It could be that the D9300 was code/internal name for the already announced D810. I really do not know what is going on with the D9300. Nikon D7200 Just to make it clear: I have never received any reliable information regarding a new D7200 camera - the D7200 rumor was started back in January by the Japanese magazine Impress and it was just the next logical step for the Nikon DX line, nothing more. The lack of DX DSLR leaks/rumors so far makes me think that a new APS-C based DSLR may not be on the horizon, at least not for Photokina. The show starts on September 16th, so we still some have time (and hope). Read more on NikonRumors.com: http://nikonrumors.com/2014/08/08/another-full-frame-nikon-dslr-camera-coming-for-phiotokina.aspx/#ixzz39oEHbOfc
    1 puan
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